There are no limitation for the number of files that anonymous can download. But Anonymous and Free user need to wait a bit before downloading each file. Premium users will able to start downloading instantly.
The famous Q&A
Q. If an anonymous user downloads six files from my account. What is the total download I will get?
A: We will count 6 downloads. For each file, we only count 1 download for each unique IP in 24 hours. In this case, an anonymous (unique IP) downloads 6 files from your account in 24 hours, so that anonymous IP is unique for each file.
Q. Do I need to be a premium member to get paid?
A: No, you will still be paid even if you are a free member. But you will need to join our affiliate program before start earning money. Simply enter your PayPal, WebMoney and AlertPay email or login.
Earn Extra by sharing our links in your site
Earn 5% Commissions of all premium accounts sold via your own websites, blogs or forums.
No matter the download links are yours or from other Fileserve users, anyone that visits your site and buys our premium account, you will get 5% of the selling price.